Serving the St. Louis Region, Mid-Missouri and Metro East

National Safety Stand Down-Roofs/Skylights

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This week is National Safety Stand Down Week and we will be highlighting some safety tips in regards to fall hazards.

Today we are specifically talking about fall hazards associated with roofs.  Many field employees in the construction industry are required to work on roofs.  Every roof is different and every roof presents different challenges and hazards.  Being prepared with a plan will help avoid downtime and help us mitigate any known hazards.

Here are some questions we may ask prior to getting onto a roof.

  • How do I access the roof?
    • Roof hatch, extension ladder, or stairwell.
  • Does the building have a parapet wall?
    • If the parapet wall is 39 inches or taller, then the parapet wall will act as fall protection.
    • If the building does not have a parapet wall and you will be working 15 feet or closer to the roof edge than other means of fall protection is required.
  • Are there any skylights or other openings on the roof?
    • If there are skylights, are they rated for fall protection?  If not, we must use additional means of fall protection.
    • An opened roof hatch is a fall hazard, we need to ensure that roof hatches are closed when not in use.

Please view this OSHA pamphlet on protecting roofing workers, as the information is valid for the type of work that we do. 

Also, the link below is a short video of what can happen when we become complacent with the hazards of working on a roof.

For more information on how IFS works to ensure our employees safety, contact Mike Schwaller at 636-680-2100