To avoid costly emergency service calls and uncomfortable buildings or lost time incidents, there are a few steps to take now and some items to take note of for offseason repair or replacement.
Be Sure to Change Your Filters
Dirty filters can clog a system, decreasing energy efficiency and Indoor Air Quality. Consider using pleated filters instead of fiberglass to improve system functionality and help prevent breakdowns.
Leverage The Building’s Automation System
When temperatures get high, it can be difficult to regulate a full building cooling system. Using automated technologies and items like Variable Frequency Devices, can help ensure a more efficient and comfortable environment.
Schedule a Seasonal Check of Building Systems
If you notice longer run times, noisy systems or higher than normal energy bills, it might be time to address possible repairs and replacements. Specially trained technicians can verify that the system is running at it’s best and/or compile a list of items that may need attention in the near future. The technicians can also help provide valuable information about your system to a representative to help improve or replace your existing system when the time comes.
Take Note of Building Areas that Report Uncomfortable Conditions
A building’s best comfort resource is it’s occupants. Noting concerns of unfavorable conditions can provide a helpful guidebook for a quality maintenance plan. It is also helpful in identifying the scope of work that might be required for improved indoor comfort.
Start Planning Now For Offseason Replacements
If a building is still running comfortably and without immediate concerns, it may be time to start planning cooling system replacements during the cooler months. Offseason replacements and repairs help decrease system downtime and improve building comfort with minimal interruptions.
Utilize Equipment Incentives and Utility Rebates for High Efficiency Equipment
If capital improvements are a current building consideration, now is the time to invest in equipment replacements and upgrades. Numerous rebates and incentives are available to offset installation costs while incentivizing long term savings and resource management. These energy programs are unique to each project and company or building objectives.
Interested in addressing a system concern or kick-starting an offseason project? Our commercial service representatives have over 150 years in the HVAC industry and work tirelessly to provide the highest quality service and results. Contact us today to work on your project.